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Paladin Blog

The Great Sunset: Core Vendors' Service Discontinuation - A Tragicomedy for Community Banks

Posted by Aaron Silva on Oct 14, 2024 5:17:11 PM


The Writing's on the Wall - In Disappearing Ink

Attention, community bankers! The tectonic plates of banking technology are shifting, and if you're not paying attention, you might just find yourself doing an impromptu dance on the San Andreas Fault of financial services. The latest tremor? Our friends at the Big Three - Fiserv, FIS, and Jack Henry - are starting to play a high-stakes game of Jenga with their services, and guess who's left holding their breath as the tower teeters? That's right, it's you, the community banks and credit unions.

Fiserv has decided to kick off this party by beginning to ask their clients to ride into the sunset without Retail Online Banking (ROB) and Business Online Banking (BOB) services after December 2026. If you think that's a problem for future-you, think again. In the glacial world of core banking systems, 2026 is practically next Tuesday.

The "Innovation" Magic Show

For years, these core vendors have been putting on a dazzling show of innovation, complete with smoke, mirrors, and probably a few doves for good measure. But let's peek behind the curtain of this digital Cirque du Soleil, shall we?

A deep dive into their financial reports reveals a plot twist that would make M. Night Shyamalan proud: these multi-billion dollar juggernauts have only been allocating a nacient 5% - 8% of Free Cash Flow to what they call 'innovation' over the past decade. It's like trying to fuel a rocket ship with a handful of AA batteries.

But here's the real kicker - this "innovation" isn't about revolutionizing banking technology. No, it's more like paying for premium cable on a black and white TV. It's the tech equivalent of putting racing stripes on a horse and calling it a Ferrari.

The Great Fintech Toll Road

About a decade ago, the Big Three came up with a strategy so clever, it would make Wile E. Coyote green with envy. Instead of overhauling their systems, they decided to set up a series of toll booths on the fintech expressway. Here's how this traffic jam works:

  1.     API Obstacle Course: They're offering APIs that make navigating a corn maze look like a straight line. Want to integrate with that cool new fintech? Hope you brought your compass and a week's worth of provisions!

  2.   Data Ransom: Remember that data you thought you owned? Well, now you get to pay for the privilege of accessing it sip by sip. It's like being charged rent for the stuff in your own attic.

  3.     Monopoly: Banking Edition: They're playing a real-life game of Monopoly with your technology choices. Want to pass GO and collect $200? Not so fast - there's a proprietary interface fee of only $200,000 for that.

This strategy has allowed them to enjoy the fintech boom without having to break a sweat modernizing their infrastructure. It's like winning a marathon while sitting in a comfy armchair.

90 SECOND VIDEO: Watch Banker Daniel thwart vendors trying to "sunset" his 45 year old application.


Fiserv's Sunset Spectacular: A Blockbuster Nobody Asked For

Now, Fiserv has decided to up the ante. By signaling the sunsetting ROB and BOB, they're essentially telling their clients: "Welcome to the future! It's a lot like the past, but more expensive." It's less of a choice and more of a "would you prefer to be uncomfortable now or later?" scenario.

Let's break down this plot twist:

  1.   Unproven Alternative: Fiserv is pushing "Configure Digital" (aka "Abiliti", aka "XD Configure")  as the replacement for ROB and BOB. But is this platform ready for its close-up, or are we looking at a straight-to-DVD release?

  2.     Migration Mayhem: Who's going to foot the bill for this forced march to a new platform? If banks aren't careful, they might find themselves sponsoring Fiserv's next company picnic.

  3.     Exit Strategy: Thinking of switching providers? Be prepared for a goodbye party that might cost more than your firstborn's college education.

Your Battle Plan: Don't Bring a Spoon to a Gunfight

So, what's a community bank or credit union to do in this David vs. Goliath scenario? Here's your battle plan:

  1.     Demand Fair Play: It's time to channel your inner hostage negotiator. Who should be responsible for the cost of migrating to  Configure Digital?  As Rambo once said, “They drew first blood, not me!”

  2.     Freedom of Choice: If Configure Digital doesn't float your boat, you should have the right to swim to another shore without being circled by financial sharks.

  3.     True Partnership or Bust: If you decide to switch providers, Fiserv should put their money where their mouth is. Anything less is like a "Best Friends Forever" necklace that gives you a rash.

  4.     Risk Mitigation in Triplicate: Demand detailed plans for risk mitigation during the migration process. Get it in writing, notarized, and maybe etched in stone for good measure.  Remember, when a core vendor says “road map” they actually mean “road trip”.

The Clock is Ticking - It's Not Just the Sound of Your Stress Ulcer

While we can't spill the beans on ongoing negotiations (we'd tell you, but then we'd have to kill you... or at least buy you a really expensive dinner), trust me when I say this: These issues aren't theoretical. They're being hashed out in boardrooms across the country as we speak, probably over lukewarm coffee and stale danishes.

The precedents being set today will shape the banking technology landscape for years to come. It's like we're watching the banking equivalent of the Big Bang, only instead of stars and galaxies, we're dealing with APIs and data migration strategies.

The time to act is now. Don't let the sun set on your options, or you might find yourself trying to navigate the future with nothing but a sundial and an abacus.

In the immortal words of every great leader on the brink of a monumental challenge: "Let's do this thing!" (And maybe keep a stress ball handy. You know, just in case.)

Topics: Contract Negotiations, Fiserv, Fidelity, Jack Henry, FIS, Bank Tech Spending