The largest problem with bank innovation is that we see or hear about a sexy piece of technology at a conference or at another bank and then acquire it. The new piece of technology ends up solving a known problem but in the process actually creates more problems, and risk, than it solves. It’s called the “Shiny Object Syndrome” (SOS), and it could be sowing the seeds of destruction for many banks. In this article, we look at the seven strategic questions you need to answer before acquiring any piece of technology.
Our 7 Question Test To Prevent Bad Bank Technology
Topics: Fintech, Bank Tech Spending, Bank Technology
The Most Important Function You Need For A Digital Bank
While online account opening and digital lending are great, there is one function that is the most in demand by bank customers, yet most banks don’t think to provide any digital functionality around it. It is the one function that drives up the most cost for a bank and is the most significant reason why bank customers still say they want a branch. Solve this problem, and you start to become a true digital bank. In this article, we look at the data around the problem and how to solve for it.
Topics: Fintech, Bank Tech Spending, Bank Technology
Here Is What Other Banks Spend On Technology
One question we always ask is if we are spending enough on technology? After that question, we get confused and mired in the quicksand of financial reporting, finance philosophy and technology strategy. “Technology” is so pervasive that it is difficult to determine what the difference is between spending on “digital” projects versus “analog” projects. For instance, if we upgrade our phone system from dedicated copper to fiber optics that is an analog project but if we convert over to a slower voice-over-IP system is that a digital project? In order to shed some light, we did some research to help banks set their IT budget for next year.
Technology Spending As A Percent of Non-Interest Income
Topics: Fintech, Bank Tech Spending, Bank Technology
WSJ REPORTS: Core IT vendors building tollways, not highways to bank-owned data
The Wall Street Journal published a story about small banks beginning to rebel against the Big Three Oligopoly ("the BTO") of core IT suppliers Fiserv, FIS and Jack Henry - now commanding more than 90% of market share according to CELENT. I was interviewed extensively by the writers about the ease (or difficulty) of technical access and economic affordability when banks need unfettered access to their data (i.e. for third party fintech partners). While they are starting to provide access, they're doing it in a way that unfairly monetizes your data to their exclusive benefit. Here's how.
Topics: Fiserv, Jack Henry, Fintech, FIS
How does a $2B mutual bank in a small Massachusetts community find a way to drop more than $4.4 million in cash to their bottomline without changing a single IT supplier or interrupting one of their online customers?
Simple. Beginning in 2014 they took the long-game view and intelligent approach to negotiating against their very powerful core IT suppliers and critical technology vendors. BayCoast Bank is run by Nick Christ and was recently awarded the prestigious ICBA National Community Bank Service Award, Grand National Winner, but Mr. Christ has a secret weapon within his ranks - Dan DeCosta their Chief Information Officer. Mr. DeCosta is as friendly as any banker has been created but inside he is a shrewd technologist and businessman that knows how to leverage the power of outside expertise, market intelligence and pricing data with the patience of a tortoise prepared to ultimately beat any other hare.
Terminate the Termination Fees: Banks must put an end to outrageous terms
Excessive fees create a manufactured barrier to acquiring competitive technology that would help the banking industry survive and flourish. This is an unfair business practice at any measure and may not be legal in many states.
Topics: Contract Negotiations, community banks, Credit Unions, vendor merger, M&A
Community Banks Discovering Advantages of AI, But Can They Actually Acquire It?
The experts agree. Artificial intelligence (AI), the process of machine learning, is exploding and we’re just getting started. According to Gartner Research, AI is the number one strategic technology trend in 2018. The American Bankers Association says AI is one of the top five fintech trends that will drive the next decade of banking.
Topics: Contract Negotiations, community banks, Fintech, open banking
Impact of Core and IT on Mergers and Acquisitions: Protecting Shareholder Value
The vast majority of middle-market community banks and credit unions will at some point explore acquiring or being acquired because M&As are one of the quickest and most effective ways a bank can scale up, expand reach, and grow. Unfortunately, many of these banks have no choice but to watch lucrative M&A opportunities pass them by because they unwittingly agreed to grossly unfair and inequitable terms in their core and IT contracts.
Topics: Contract Negotiations, community banks, vendor merger, M&A
Global independent investment banking advisory firm Evercore ISI interviews fintech expert Aaron Silva on all things banking. Listen now to Aaron's predictions for the banking industry:
Topics: Contract Negotiations, community banks, Fiserv, Fidelity, Jack Henry, Vendor consolidation, Credit Unions, vendor merger, M&A, Fintech, open banking
LISTEN NOW: Will open banking change banking-fintech partnerships?
In this comprehensive expert panel discussion at LendIt Fintech 2018, Paladin's Aaron Silva leads a compelling and lively discussion about how financial institutions are navigating the exciting world of fintech. Topics include innovation, opportunities, resistance, analytics, security and much more. Four renowned experts participate in the podcast every bankers should hear. Listen NOW:
Topics: bank events, Fintech, open banking